Part Number: TMS320F2800132 Tool/software: Hello. Sorry, I couldn't find the part number because it's a discontinued model, so I chose a random part. I have DSP / TMS320F240PQ, and I checked that it says F34-66AH29W / G4 below. I want to know the…
Part Number: TMS320F2800132
I am trying to understand the functionality of the EPG module for a particular application I have in mind. Can you help clarify the following for me?
Does the EGP in SHIFT_xxx_REPEAT mode ping-pong between DATA0…
Part Number: TMS320F2800132 Tool/software: Hi Team,
I test the program on F2800137, it worked well. But when the code run on F2800132(because small Flash, need open optimization). It very strange:
PWM_value should be equal 50, but equal 3. I can't why…
Part Number: TMS320F2800132 Tool/software: Hello,
According to a few posts on the forum and discussions I had, it seems that FAST estimator is UL approved class B.
How can I get some informations about this? Especially I would like how to implement it…
Part Number: TMS320F2800132 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LAUNCHXL-F2800137 Tool/software: Hello,
I have an issue with my code.
The code based on universal_motor_control_lab.
At the begining of the code, in the main, some data RAM are cleared using…
I think it will be helpful to work on a common example file as we resolve this. Please import the timer_ex1_cputimers project in C2000Ware from C:\ti\c2000\C2000Ware_5_02_00_00\driverlib\f280013x\examples\timer into CCS.
The default build configuration…
Part Number: TMS320F2800132 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSCONFIG Tool/software: I have a doubt regarding the differential ADC .
I found the differential ADC input model in the TMS320F datasheet. Typically, there is an additional switch to discharge…
Part Number: TMS320F2800132 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSPM0C1104 ,
Hello Team,
Does the MSPM0C1104 support ECC RAM testing, and is there any example code in the SDK for this
Part Number: TMS320F2800132 Tool/software: Hello,
My motor drive is based on the universal motor control lab.
I used the force angle when I start from zero speed.
I want to know when the angle switch from the force angle to the real estimated angle? …
Part Number: TMS320F2800132 Tool/software: Hello,
I have an issue which is related on how the over-current protection works on my board:
On my board, the over-current did'nt stop the motor at the first trig but only after sevral overcurrent detection…