Part Number: TMS320F2800156-Q1 Tool/software: hi team,
the frequency of F2800156 is 100MHz , which is lower than other F28015X series. Could u kindly help to tell the reason?
Will there be some risks when setting the frequency of F2800156 to 120MHz?…
Part Number: TMS320F2800156-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: C2000WARE Tool/software: hi, experts
we want to apply AB swap function in TMS320F280015x, and the chip has only one bank, could we use LFU to realize this requirement? is there any success…
Part Number: TMS320F2800156-Q1 Tool/software: Hi expert:
Why is sysclk only 100MHz in the 00156, while 157 is 120MHz? If it is also setted to 120MHz, what impact will it have?
Part Number: TMS320F2800156-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UNIFLASH Tool/software: Do you have any cybersecurity qualification about the IDE "CCS"? or do you have any evidence this tool can not input weakness and vulnerability?
Part Number: TMS320F2800156-Q1 Tool/software: Hi teams:
I have known that single-bit error in ECC data belongs to correctable error. But I wonder how it finds single-bit errors occurring in ECC data. Would it restore correct data to incorrect data b…
Part Number: TMS320F2800156-Q1 Tool/software: hello TI expert:
I am implementing FMEDA for our project base on SN29500. Could you please let me know which type is suitable for f2800156-q1? Local china FAE can`t provide it now, and no feedback.…
Part Number: TMS320F2800156-Q1 Tool/software:
If I peform the LCM self-test(Set LCM_CONTROL.STEN) and the self-test result is fail(LCM_STATUS.STDONE = 1(self-test complete), LCM_STATUS.STPASS = 0(self-test fail)), will this trigger an NMI interrupt…
Part Number: TMS320F2800156-Q1 Tool/software: I have some questions about ECC.
Question 1: Single-Bit Data Error in the RAM:
Correctable errors get corrected by the memory controller module and then correct data is given back as read data to the master…