Part Number: TMS320F280041C Tool/software: Greetings! I want to use Timer0(or Timer1 or Timer2) with MotorControl SDK. The problem is Timer0 interrupt flag is in the same group as ADC. So in the code the ADC interrupt use
HAL_ackADCInt(halHandle, ADC_INT_NUMBER1…
Part Number: TMS320F280041C Tool/software: Greetings! I am using conical rotor ACIM with your MotorControl SDK. It seems the motor ID lab(Lab05) is not quite correct with this type of motors. So am trying to determine the motor parameters alone. So did…
Part Number: TMS320F280041C Tool/software: Greetings! I am working with this uC for a very first time and I have a problem with the ADC result format. It seems the ADC returns 12-bit signed value or I explain it to my self this way. When I apply half…
Part Number: TMS320F280041C
Greetings! I am using this MotorControl SDK for a very first time. I reached lab 4. On the previous labs everything works fine. I manage to write down the offset values. The readings from all sensor are correct…
Part Number: TMS320F280041C Tool/software: Hello,
Section of SPRUI33H defines the values that should be seen in the PARTIDL register. But when I access this part thru CCS Memory Browser I get a value that does not agree with the manual. Specifically…
Part Number: TMS320F280041C
Greetings! I`m using spi_ex1_loopback as a reference. My pins are connected as follows-> SIMO->GPIO56 MOSI->GPIO57, CLK->GPOI58. So with Loopback enabled(SpibRegs.SPICCR.bit.SPILBK=1;) everything works as expencted…
Part Number: TMS320F280041C Tool/software: Greetings! I am using this chip for a very first time and it seems I have made a mistake in the oscillator setup. I have 10MHz external crystal and I am using this settings ->
Part Number: TMS320F280041C Other Parts Discussed in Thread: C2000WARE Tool/software: Greetings! I am using C2000Ware_MotorControl_SDK_5_03_00_00 with F280041C. I am trying to setup SPIB interface. Here are my settings:
Part Number: TMS320F280041C Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MOTORWARE , C2000WARE Tool/software: Greetings! My project is base on lab01_eabi from the MotorWare library 5_03. So I am using SCIB(GPIO pins 12 and 13). I can transmit data correctly with the…
Part Number: TMS320F280041C Tool/software:
We've encountered an issue where our stand alone firmware fails under a specific condition but when this same code (the code is not rebuilt when initiating debug) is run with the XDS110 it runs fine…