Part Number: TMS320F28030 Tool/software: This is about the amplitude of the crystal oscillator input to the microcontroller. I understand that it is better to have a low amplitude for the input signal, but I would like to confirm the following additionally…
Part Number: TMS320F28030 Tool/software: MCU: External crystal oscillator: 10MHz The above combination is used and the PLL setting is (OSCCLK * 12)/4. If there is a problem with the crystal oscillator and the frequency fluctuates, how will the PLL period…
Part Number: TMS320F28030 Tool/software: The microcontroller (MS320F28030) and external oscillator are behaving abnormally, and CAN communication is abnormal.
The output amplitude of the external oscillator is becoming smaller due to heat. Based on these…
Part Number: TMS320F28030 Tool/software: MCU: External crystal oscillator: 10MHz The above combination is used and t he PLL setting is (OSCCLK * 12)/4.
Regarding crystal oscillator signal input to square wave conversion within the MCU (1) Is the square…
Part Number: TMS320F28030 Tool/software: In our motor control inverter equipped with a TI microcontroller: TMS320F28030 and an NXP CAN transceiver, when bus-off occurs, a high voltage not seen during normal operation occurs in the CAN differential voltage…
Part Number: TMS320F28030 Tool/software: Hello,
We would like to get access to the LAUNCHXL-F29H85x for some early predevelopment.
Can you please tell me if early engineering samples can be provided/acessed?
Thank you,
Part Number: TMS320F28030 Tool/software: For some reason, the amplitude of the crystal oscillator's transmission signal in the MCU (TMS320F28030PAGQ) has become small,
causing CAN communication errors. Could you please tell me the threshold voltages…
Part Number: TMS320F28030 Tool/software: Hello I have a TMDSHVMTRPFCKIT kit. I needed to program this kit with Matlab, but I could not run it. Matlab does not recognize the kit and gives an error. Is this kit an old kit? No TI support? If there is, where…
Part Number: TMS320F28030 MCU型式:TMS320F28030ソフトウェアが正常に機能していない状況が発生しています。(ROMの値が0でもなく、1でも中間状態のような異常状態になっていると推定していますが明確ではない)
レジスタ:XDS100v2 USB キャプチャを使用して、マイコン内部の ROM の値や RAM の値をモニタすることを検討しています。
「Loading option」にはプログラムをしない「Load symbol only」を選択してアクセスを試みようと考えていますが…
Part Number: TMS320F28030 I am asked following questions by customer. Please review and answer for each questions.
In this device, non-interrupting processing is permanently executed in a while loop, while another processing is periodically…