Part Number: TMS320F28032 Tool/software: The TMSF28032 is initialized with a baud rate of 125k, and during program execution, it is switched to a baud rate of 500k. However, the bus is not idle at 500k, and the CANES.bit.cce cannot be set to 1, preventing the device from entering the initializ…
Part Number: TMS320F28032 Tool/software: I want to execute the eCANA Rx ISR callback but with mailboxes configured for "no acceptance mask" for TMS320F28032 controller using device support library. I have configured respective CANLAM and CANGAM regi…
Part Number: TMS320F28032 Tool/software: Hi,
I am using TMS320F28032 in my application. I set the watchdog timer and made a reset succesfully.
I need to keep one bit variable permanently to check after any reset.
Is there any way to do it ?
In the forum…
Part Number: TMS320F28032 Tool/software: Hi Experts,
I am asking for my customer here.
Customer use high resolution period control on F28032,also enable EPWM1 configurated as master, other EPWM2/EPWM3/EPWM4 slave, EPWM1 TBCTL/SYNCCOSEL = Zero event,…
Part Number: TMS320F28032 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: C2000WARE Tool/software: Hi, Ti expert
At present, our power supply products use your company's TMS320F28032 DSP, our products are two-level topology, using 2 28032, using SCI communication between…
Part Number: TMS320F28032 Tool/software: Hi TI expert:
Our power mudule product use TI's piccolo dsp TMS320F28032, In the mass production products, we found that nearly 1% of the module products have abnormal output voltage ripple (exceeded) under…
Part Number: TMS320F28032 Hello, I asked this question yesterday, however, I may have failed to complete the Form because, I did not see my question posted. Therefore, I will ask again.
When using the TI, TMS320F28032 Micro Controller, could I use the…
Part Number: TMS320F28032-Q1 Hi BU experts,
In customer side, already found 2 pcs F28032 CSM unexpectedly locked. They don't use CSM to lock the device, however still found 2 pcs from their field returned with OTA failure and they found that the 2 return…
Part Number: TMS320F28032 Hi Team,
When TBCTR is incrementing in up-down count mode, why CBD and CAD event can happen? And CBU&CAU for decrementing.
Thanks & Regards
Part Number: TMS320F28032 Hi,Ti expert:
Our mudule products are used TMS320F2803x, Now a thorny question about CAN communication has been encountered
We found that when many modules in the system actively throw information through the CAN bus, the…