Part Number: TMS320F28035 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: PMP41078 Tool/software: Hello:
We need to use 30V input with 64V output with 6000W power, must provide a constant current , voltage variation not a substantial issue. But constant current output…
Part Number: TMS320F28035
Im my controller exist 2 SPI, named A and B.
Are they indipendent?
Reading on data sheet of TMS320F28035, for ex. SPIFFRX related to SPIA or SPIB,
has the same name, notwistanding the fact they have different…
Part Number: TMS320F28035
In my project I have added:
All this after try and retry, and it makes no errors.
When I add a routine that refers to flash (copied almost integrally from examples)…
Part Number: TMS320F28035
Can you explain how to deal with this?
I have to detect an input interrut at one pin, say XINT1.
Interrupt happens and the servicing routine is executing.
I disable, as first instruction of isr routine, this…
Part Number: TMS320F28035
I'm bulding a JTAG 10 pin connector for my board.
Based on fig 4.5 of TMS320F28035 data sheet i see that pin 9 of the 14 pins connector is: TCK_RET.
On XDS110 Probe data sheet, fig 2, that pin is NC. …
Part Number: TMS320F28035
The watchdog module shows oscclksrc1 or 2 as input.
I use internal 10MHz clock, so to produce a slower pace to watchdog, I have to add an external clock/quartz.
Using prescaler and counter, it seems that…
Part Number: TMS320F28035
I do not know how to software reset the device.
Is there some bit in some register that produces a BOR?
Forcing the program to go to the first instruction does not seem a good idea.
Part Number: TMS320F28035 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: C2000WARE
I want simply to write some byte in micro flash.
Is there an example how to do this?
The examples given in C200W are are to complicate; must I go through
the API? …
Part Number: TMS320F28035 Tool/software: With MSP430F51 controller I used only a 5 pin connector for debugging and programming.
With TMS320F28035 i see, at pg. 24 of its data sheet, a connection, figure 5.4, of 14 pins.
Some pins indicated do not correspond…