Part Number: TMS320F28335 Tool/software: How to generate code for trapezoidal control of a BLDC motor from a MATLAB model for the F28335 microcontroller?
Part Number: TMS320F28335 Tool/software: I am working with DSP f28335. I need to generate three 120 degree phase shifted carrier. I tried to do it by adding phase offset but still I am not getting the phase shift in the pulses.
The EPWM settings are…
Part Number: TMS320F28335 Tool/software: Hello,
We have a SPECTRUM DIGITAL: eZdspF28335 Kit Schematics board. we are looking for the schematics of the same.
Where can i find and download?
Part Number: TMS320F28335 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UNIFLASH Tool/software: Dear Forum,
I am working on a TMS320F28335 project with CC 11.2.0 and development board. This is a flash based project that has been running well for quite a while. Since…
Part Number: TMS320F28335 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSCONFIG Tool/software:
To get the best accuracy (less than 0.02%) @ 115200 baud rate, what the SYSCLK and LSCLK to be used, please elaborate. for the TMS 320 controller baud rate tolerance…
Part Number: TMS320F28335 Tool/software: Hi Sir:
There is a probability that the system cannot start when TMS320F28335 is powered on and reset. What could be the reason for this?