Part Number: TMS320F28P650SK Tool/software: Hi experts,
How will the power consumption of the F28P65 be, when running an EtherCAT slave and some simple IO-Operations ?
Kind regards,
Part Number: TMS320F28P650SK Tool/software: Hi,
From the TMS320F28P650 data sheet the best fit for our application is the single core part
However the data sheet states "Preview information (not Production Data)." for each of the single…
The VCRC is reentrant provided you enable the corresponding option in the compiler.
--isr_save_vcu_regs is Blank by default, change it to ON.
Part Number: TMS320F28P650SK Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSCONFIG Hi champs,
When I use sysconfig tool to configure SDFM, there have no option to enable or disable SDFM internal input qualificaiton function. I build project and find that the SD_init…
Delaney Woodward said: Are you seeing any warnings (or outputs related to these functions) in the console when you build the project?
No, the compiler builds the project with 0 errors
Delaney Woodward said: Are you using the most recent version of the c28x…
Part Number: TMS320F28P650DH Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LAUNCHXL-F28P65X , C2000WARE , TIDM-02011 , TMS320F28P650SH , TMS320F28P650SK Tool/software: Hi, do you plan to migrate the LFU example to P65?
Regards, Holger
latest generation of comparable devices is
TMS320F28P650DK data sheet, product information and support |
TMS320F28P650SK data sheet, product information and support |
these are available as Dual or Single CPU subsystems.
Part Number: TMS320F28388S Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMS320F28P650SK Tool/software: Hello,
I was looking for some advice in choosing a low power EtherCAT enabled MCU for controlling a motor. It looks like the TMS320F28388S would be a suitable choice…
there are single core versions of this device with QFP options, but they share the same dual core version of EVM. When you do a project just select the S version and it will run as single CPU.
TMS320F28P650SK data sheet, product information and support…