Part Number: TPA2008D2 Tool/software: Hi,
I am trying to test audio amplifier ckt around TPA2008D2. My ckt works fine for a sine wave input with pk-pk voltage around 1V and the amplifier shutsdown and any higher voltages.
Request you to confirm the…
Part Number: TPA2008D2 Hi,
I am using TPA2008D2 in single mode. I am not sure about to which ground ( AGND or PGND ) LINN , LINP & RINN , RINP should be referenced.
Request your support
Part Number: TPA2008D2 The datasheet says that this device has a built-in "short circuit protection circuit". Please teach us about this function.
In the description of the datasheet ・When a short circuit is detected in the output, the shutter…
Part Number: TPA2008D2 Dear Specialists,
My customer is evaluating TPA2008D2 and encountering unexpected beeping noise at shutdown.
I would be grateful if you could advise.
When the device shuts down, the speaker makes a beeping sound.
It sounds like…
Part Number: TPA2008D2 dear sirs
P/N: TPA2008D2:
Our PCB layout engineer hopes to know how to place Speaker,
Is it better near analog ground area or digital ground area to place speaker?
Part Number: TPA2008D2 Hi Team my customer is having an issue as described below:
With 3.6Ohms speakers connected to each output of the TPA2008D2 part (one per channel) and the volume set to 60% and above they see that the speakers make a quick sound…
Part Number: TPA2008D2 Dear Teams,
Have a nice day and nice to meet you! Here is Dylan from China NWC MM team FAE. I am coming to approach you because I found there is a potential business growth opportunities for Class-D audio amplifier. I found you…
Part Number: TPA2008D2 Dear Specialists,
My customer has a question about TPA2008D2.
I would be grateful if you could advise.
TPA2008D2 is a 2ch product. But we have stock on hand, so we are considering using it only with R.
In this case,
(1) Is there…