Part Number: TPA6130A2 Tool/software: Hi team,
The output capacitance has an average value of 80pF on the data sheet. What kind of problem will occur if this value is greatly exceeded? We would like to make the capacitance several hundred pF.
Best Regards…
Part Number: TPA6130A2 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TAS2110 , TPA2011D1 , TAS2572 Tool/software: Hi ti team,
Please recommend an earphone amplifier IC with the following requirements:
Headphone amplifier requirements: 32 ohm load @ 450mW, Class D or…
Part Number: TPA6130A2 Hi,
We have recently encountered issues with the TPA6130A2RT amplifier in one of our devices, specifically concerning a decline in audio quality and reduced volume output. We are seeking to understand the root cause of these issues…
Part Number: TPA6130A2 Dear TI team,
We use the TPA6130 in several designs and have observed sporadic 'resets' of the device while plugging or unplugging a headphone. Now, with a new design, it happens every time when plugged/unplugged. I assume the…
Part Number: TPA6130A2 Hello,
We plan to add EOS protection device to output pin as HPLEFT and HPRIGHT to survive external high voltage signal injection to Headphone jack.
We would like to know Absolute maximum voltage of output pins.
Because, when…
Part Number: TPA6130A2 Can the negative charge pump produce enough current to drive a low power opamp or two? I would like to use two dual LMV822's so the typical current would be around 1 mA.
Part Number: TPA6130A2 Is there an upper limit to the value of the charge pump flying capacitor and the power supply bypass capacitors (recommend value of 1 uF) and is there any advantage to increase them?
Part Number: TPA6130A2 Hi,
I would like to know if the part has capability to withstand negative (and positive inputs) when the device is powered off? If so what is the capability of the inputs in terms of voltage swing? Also what is the isolation from…
Hi Stanley,
I see that only the documentation link is not working. However, all the other links are working for me. Could you please try these links:
Source Files:…
Part Number: TPA6130A2 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TCA9543A , TPA6133A2
I want to use TPA6130A2 in BTL mode, so I will need two of them and I2C switch (such as TCA9543A), am I right?
Only left channels in BTL mode will be used, but I still routed…