Part Number: TPS22925 Tool/software: Hello Technocrats,
We use TPS22925CYPHR, please assist in reviewing the Schematic.
Vout = 3.3 V, I_max = 1.322 A, I_OC = 2.8 A
Part Number: TPS22925 Hi Team,
Greetings for the day.
We are using the TPS22925 Load Switch in our Layout Board file. I had attached the images of the Board file and Schematics. Please review the layout and share your feedback with us.
The PCB we are using…
Part Number: TPS22925 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS22953 Hi Team,
We are using the TPS22925BNYPHR Load Switch part in our schematics. I had attached the schematic Image below, Kindly review the schematics and share your valuable feedback with us. …
Part Number: TPS22925 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS22917 , TPS22968 Dear Team,
I am looking for a loadswitch with specs similar to TPS22925 B , but in any other package other than BGA.
Do we have another device which satisfies most of the requirements…
Part Number: TPS22925 Is the TPS22925C current limited or thermally protected? What happens when I overload/ short the output of this part to ground? Potential application would be to power a chip that will draw about 200mA on a 1V rail. The device is connected…
Part Number: TPS22925 Hi Team,
Please help us to get the Case Temperature (Tc) of the Part TPS22925 as it is needed for the thermal simulation of our project.
Part Number: TPS22925 Dear TI Team:
My customer use our TPS22925CYPH, they found there is high inrush current exceeding application‘s initial calculation from VCC during power up. we use 0.1μF capacitance as CL , 0 input capacitance,3.3V input…
Part Number: TPS22925 Hi Sir,
if the customer application will be at -0.5v_vin, is there risk?
Absolute Maximum Ratings are as follows, If it exceeds the maximum value, it must be damage?
Part Number: TPS22925 Hi TI team,
We found 1.8A high inrush current, after changing the defective load switch the current droped to 290mA , 290mA is acceptable in our system.Our VIN=3.3V, VOUT=3.3V, IOUT is about 0.1A, schematic is attached too. Could…