Part Number: TPS22964C Tool/software: For TPS22964CYZPR, is there a declaration document indicating whether this material contains PFAS substances listed in TSCA Section 8(a)(7)?
Part Number: TPS22964C Tool/software: Hi team
from below post.…
Part Number: TPS22964C Tool/software: Hi team,
In datasheet, below figure show that when Vin=3.3V, device is on when Von is around 0.9V. But in spec of VIH, ON, when Vin= 2.5V to 5.5V, the min of VIH,ON is 1.3V. could you pls help to explain the difference…
Part Number: TPS22964C Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS2121 ,
Hi team,
We have a requirement for USB and wireless charging and OTG support for USB. We are planning to use TPS2121 mux to select between USB input and Wireless input since our PMIC has…
Part Number: TPS22964C Hi team,
Could you help make sure whether our devices can meet below demands:
Power on-off> 10,000 times with 3.3V supply, no degradation on long term reliability
85% humidity at 85C>700hours,3.3V supply power on, no degradation…
Part Number: TPS22964C Hi team,
Is Cin necessary to the application design. According to the customer feedback, without Cin, the inrush current is small and acceptable. They want to remove it. If so, is there any bad influence?