Part Number: TPS2546 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS2544 , Hi Expert,
Do we have comparison table or slide can show the different between the TPS2544 and TPS2546?
Part Number: TPS2544 Hi team,
my customer has new spec that support 5V/2.4A,
can we just change the iLIM_HI to 2.5A resistor ?
is there other thing we need to concern?
Part Number: TPS2544 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS2065D , Hi ,
Would you please provide TPS2065D IEC62368-1 test report and verification document to me?
Part Number: TPS2544 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS25810 , , TPS2561 , TPS2514A , TPS2514 , TPS2513A , TPS2561A Dear Team,
Please help to review the schematic and control pins config as below.
It's only for the USB C-type connector charger and we need…
Part Number: TPS2547 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS2546 , , TPS2544 Hi, USB Power Switch support team
I understand that there are the difference point as the following table.
As for the feature except the above I would like know if it is backward…
Part Number: TPS2544 Hi,
Customer is asking our help to comment if the OUT slow discharge waveform is normal. Is that OUT slow discharge caused by the VIN under UVLO and TPS2544 has NO power to drive the internal discharge FET turn on?
IN on:
IN off…
Part Number: TPS2544 Hi team,
Customer found a behavior that not matching the datasheet. We saw a 320ms voltage drop. This doesn't match the tdischarge (2 seconds).
Could you please help me understand the voltage drop on Vbus for 320ms?
EN and ISEL…
Part Number: TPS2546 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS2544 , Hi,
Is there a comparison table summarizing the difference between TPS2546 and TPS2544? The information from seems not clear enough.
Part Number: TPS2544 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AM3352 I’m in the process of doing a schematic review with the AM3352 and TPS2544.The AM3352 hardware schematic checklist (section 2.12), specifies that the D+/D- lines need to be tied directly…