Part Number: TPS2546 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLV62565 , Tool/software: HI TI team,
Please help to provide where is the TPS2546 & TLV62565 fabbed and packaged. Thanks.
Part Number: TPS2546 Tool/software: At an ambient temperature of 25°C, the chip runs at a high temperature of around 80°C, which is seriously problematic. Please help me take a look at the schematic diagram, layout, or other aspects to see if there are…
Part Number: TPS2549 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS2546 Tool/software: Hi all,
Does TPS2549/TPS2546 support APPLE 2.4A? Do we have a device that supports Apple 2.4A?
Many thanks!
Arabella Zhang
Part Number: TPS2546 Tool/software: Hi,
We found TPS2546 when CTRL1 toggle, it may cause device only chaging in 500mA current.
Need re-plug in usb cable to let TPS2546 renegotiate to set to DCP 1.5A charging.
Please see below link test method, schematic…
Part Number: TPS2546 Tool/software: I am developing a solar charger and require an eFuse between the solar charger and battery. The solar charger circuit requires the battery voltage so it can manage/regulate the charging cycle. Therefore I require over…
Part Number: TPS2546
We use the TPS2546 for the telephone bettery charge and data communication;
And now, we have below issue for the TPS2546:
1. We set the TPS2546 for CDP mode(1.5A output current), set the CTL1/ CTL2/ CTL3/ ILIM_SEL to 1, Normally, we…
Hi Charlie,
Charlie Xiao said: Can the no-load and loaded status of TPS2546 be judged by the high and low levels of PIN 9 STATUS? When TPS2546 is no-load, PIN 9 is high level, and when TPS2546 is discharging, PIN 9 is low level, right?
The Status register…
Part Number: TPS2546 Hi Team,
do you have other customer reported the same issue? my customer report iPhone 15 pro can't be charged by TPS2546.
hope you can provide information is you encounter the same cell phone issue.