Part Number: PUREPATHCONSOLE Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TAS6754-Q1 Tool/software: Hello,
Our customer is confused how he can TAS6754-Q1 -SW install. His issue is he could not see TAS6754-Q1 apps on PUREPATH console as availabe EVM Apps even though…
Part Number: TPS25772-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS257XX-Q1-GUI Tool/software: Hello Expert,
Could you please add description for each items on attached excel file?
PITS:TPS257xx Q1 GUI.xlsx
Our customer making FW using GUI but some parameter…
Part Number: UCD9090-Q1 Tool/software: Please show how to activate ENABLE_ACTIVE_TRIM using Fusion GUI, I can't find it in GUI. I would like to use it to adjust the output through VOUT_COMMAND.
Part Number: LP876242-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LP876242Q1EVM Tool/software: Hi,
We are using LP876242B0RQKRQ1 in our design. It is connected with FT4232H which is connected to the PC.
Can you please answer the following queries?
1. Through the…
Part Number: BQ76PL455EVM-GUI-SW Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ76PL455A-Q1 Tool/software: I need sample code for BQ76PL455A-Q1. Access to link
Tool/software: I'm having difficulty connecting to the GUI interface as non of the steps provided previously are working. I don't have any bulk devices on my device manager just MSP432 Device firmware upgrade. I have installed all the packages below…
Hello Peter,
Peter Fritzenschaft said: I would need the Windows Runtime, but the download stopped several times.
I am sorry to hear that, I tried to cut down on your time by providing the link directly, but here's the page on where I found the link to…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: PGA411-Q1 Tool/software: Hello. I've had a computer crash and was thinking of reinstalling the PGA411-Q1 EVM GUI on a new computer but it's gone. Where can I download it? Thanks Daniel Åhl
Part Number: TAS5414C-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TAS6754-Q1 Tool/software: Hello,TI teams,
I am gonna evaluating TAS6754-Q1 EVM.But it is not formal materials,so I have to use TAS5414C-Q1 for insteading.
I have already install the PPC3 to my…
Part Number: TPS2HCS10-Q1 Tool/software: Hello,
My customer is facing some issues working with the TPS2HCS10-Q1 GUI.
The GUI starts normally on Windows 10/11, but as soon as the Hardware is connected via USB to the PC, the application closes without…