Part Number: TPS25814EVM Tool/software: Tool/software:
Please provide the CE/EU Declaration of Conformity for TPS25814EVM
the product is CE-marked, we have stock in hand, and we are missing the CE/EU DoC. It is not found on the T.I website either…
Part Number: TPS25814EVM Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS25814 , TPS65988 Hello,
I am currently developing the design for a USB dock that incorporates three ports. One port will serve for charging an Android tablet, the second port will be designated…
Part Number: TPS25814EVM Hello,
We are testing the TPS25814EVM with a USB E-load to detect the Max power we can get out of the board and we are only seeing a Max Current of 1.5A. We followed the user manual and messed around with S1 to see any changes of…
Part Number: TPS25814EVM Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS25750EVM , Is there a document like the TPS25750EVM Host Interface document where I can see the registers in detail? Or could you inform me on how I am able to control the logic of CHG_HI pin…
CC2 seems to be connected to voltage divider and having 2.5V presented to CC2 pin of TPS25814. In our TPS25814EVM we tie these directly to the Type-C connector. The EVM would be a good reference design! (Please…
Hi Field,
Thank you for your suggestions. I also discovered some similar looking application questions under the TPS65988 forum area, which may also be helpful.
I had been looking at the TPS25814EVM since a user guide photo shows something similar to what…
Hello Aya,
I appreciate your input.
I do have a question. Upon reviewing the TPS25814EVM datasheet, my understanding is that the Tab should be linked to the DFP, while the Camera should be connected to the UFP. Once the power supply is connected to the…
Hi Tommy, Okay, Now I understand, thanks.
I have the TPS25814EVM board, can you tell me if it can do this function? Charge the tablet and make USB communication between it and the MOUSE Regards, Josel