Part Number: TPS274160 Tool/software: Hello,my name is Kalin.
I am a hardware engineer from the company -Festo.W e use your product in our projects and in the future we plan to use it in many of our designs.
Please give me detailed information about…
Part Number: TPS274160 Tool/software: Hello TI-Team,
the ranges of the pulldown resistors of the enable inputs are given in the datasheet for an input voltage of 5V.
It would be necessary for me to know these resistor ranges over the whole possible…
Part Number: TPS274160 Tool/software: Hi E2E,
Our customer is using TPS274160ARLHR to design a product. Some SCHs are as follows:
The problem we encountered was that the voltage of +500V could pass through the ESD surge test; the voltage -500V will…
HI Patrick,
Thanks for your response the output was shorted on a test jig, a few cm of track and a DIP switch, so basically 0 ohms and no inductance. The data sheet says the device will protect itself on hard short circuit in 1 us so it shouldn't have…
See my comments below:
If you just have a diode, you are right in the sense that no current will go into the high-side switch, however the current from the charged inductor has to go somewhere. With just a diode, the current would find another…
Part Number: TPS274160 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS4H160-Q1 , Tool/software: Team, What is our closest equivalent to the L6374FP013TR Line driver?
Thanks in advance!
Part Number: TPS274160 Hello TI team,
I would like to ask you if it is possible to have the functional safety manual for TPS274160 available or I should apply in a specific form to get it. Thank you in advance.
Best Regards,
My customer is considering to change to TPS2H160-Q1 from TPS274160. Is the way of open load detection (when the swithc is off) of TPS2H160 the same as TPS274160? The below is their expectation. There is a leakage current on Vout which direction is…
Part Number: TPS274160 when I use 250Hz PWM to drive the chip's EN pin there is a chance to trigger the FAULT pin, not sure which fault it was.
But the chance will be much higher if I change the duty cycle dynamically. i.e. change the brightness from…
Part Number: TPS274160
Hello everyone,
I am currently in the process of designing a PCB with a TPS274160A (the version without the current sense capability) and I have questions regarding the GND network and and the selection of an external TVS diode…