Part Number: TPS27S100 Tool/software: Hi
The datasheet says below paragraph. Short-to-GND and Overload Detection
When the switch is on, a short to GND or overload condition causes overcurrent. If the overcurrent triggers either the internal or…
Part Number: TPS27S100 Tool/software: We use your company's TPS27100 chip to test the load capacity with the output connected to the load. When ILIM is connected to the ground, the working environment temperature is 25 degrees Celsius and the load is…
Part Number: TPS27S100 Tool/software: Hi all,
I'm starting a design with the TPS27S100BPWPR. This part has an exposed pad. Unfortunately, the datasheet does not contain the drawing of this PWP package.
If I download the PWP0014A step-file from the…
Part Number: TPS27S100 Tool/software: Hi
what is I(out) in the equation? is it the external current limit value or the maximum output current?
I want to limit current to 1.88 A, and am taking VIILM(th)=1.233, KILIM(th)=2000, as per the datasheet and…
Part Number: TPS27S100 Tool/software: TPS27S100 datasheet says if the current exceed the external current limit set by the external resistor, fault is reported, is this true for a supply to ground short circuit condition?
Hi Vincent,
Sorry about that, in the rush I forgot to turn off the waveform labels and manually label on my response.
Yes, dark blue is VOUT, light blue is VIN, magenta is unused, and green is IOUT.
The load applied was a PWM'd MOSFET (<5mOhm on resistance…
Part Number: TPS27S100 Tool/software: Does anybody reviewed this datasheet before publishing? It's been exposed for people for 5 years and still: 1) Vilim is no defined
2) Application example states Rilim 0.82K but later calculations gives 0.493…
Part Number: TPS27S100 Tool/software: Hi,
At what Voltage would the Diag_EN be activated? I see on the datasheet that it is on at 5V, would 3.3V also work?