Hi Satya,
Thanks for asking about the internal regulator on TPS2812. You can find the typical application schematic on page 13 and in figure 22 on the next page in a similar datasheet for TPS2816 family http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/tps2829-q1.pdf …
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ2954 , TPS2829 , BQ24620 Hi,
I am using bq2954 IC from TI in my charger circuit to charge 2-cells (LiFePO4) in series. I have used the circuit in the following application notes.
1884.Using BQ2954.pdf
I have modified…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ2954 , TPS2829 , BQ24620 , BQ24630 Hi,
I am currently doing a project where I am developing a series 2-cell (LiFePO4) charger using the bq2954 IC. I am using the circuit available in the bq2954 application notes,