Part Number: TPS40040 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TINA-TI , , TPS40041 Tool/software: TINA-TI or Spice Models Hello All,
I have downloaded TPS40040_AVG model from TI website & ran the encrypted model in OrCad PSpice 16.6. My question is that, does…
Part Number: TPS40040 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM2748 , LM2745
our client want to design a buck controller as the spec below:
1. Why the current limit is 15A in
2. Is TPS40040 can change MOSFET and inductor…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SWITCHERPRO , TPS40040 I'm using the TPS40040 in a design. SwitcherPro do not able me to change the resistor RefDes R5 in my simulation (resistor that fix the output voltage), even if the RefDes text is in red!! It's poping…
Part Number: TPS5102 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS40040 Hi
Is this device supported the pre-bias startup?
I know this device is very old device. However our customer has been using this device for a long time. They ask us some question.
If this…
Part Number: TPS54260 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS64200 , TPS40000 , TPS40040 , TPS40021-EP , TPS40007 , TPS65262-1 , TPS53353 , TPS53513 , TPS53355 , TPS53515 , TPS53318 , TPS53319 , TPS53915 I am anxious to use the concepts presented in TI’s PMP5863 Reference…
Part Number: TPS546C20A Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS546C23 , I am facing two issues with TPS546C20A on a single phase design.
Input: 12V
Output: 0.845V 30A
Issue 1: On the measured loop gain, at the low frequency region (1kHz to 4kHz, see Case…
Hi Jospeh,
Thanks for your inputs.
I have updated the power calculator and selected suitable Feedback and compensation network. Please review the schematics and power calculator bode plots and provide if any review comments. I would like to release the…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UC1901 , UCC3806 , UCC2891 , TPS40040 The Support Group ,
Pls provide the links for TI - SIMPLIS models ,
Hi Scott,
Has TI tested the Netra with a TPS659112?
Anil: No, DM8168 is tested with TPS40040 (GPIO based) and TPS40400 (I2C based)
Has TI tested SmartReflex with a TPS659112?
Anil: With respect to DM8168 it is not tested, SmartReflex is tested for…