Part Number: TPS536C7 Dear TI Team:
We have component TPS536C7 in our design.and usage is 3.
Now we have SMB_CLK/DIO connected to I2C_SCL/SDA,
But the pin SMB_ALERT# is connected to CPLD, and Now we plan use CPLD collects all SMB_Alert singal and other…
Part Number: TPS536C7 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS53641 , Hello expert,
My customer 's end customer would like to know the below questions on TPS536C7 0xC2 address. Since they re-spin TPS53641 to TPS536C7 and original address is 0x61 which is 0xC2…
Part Number: TPS536C7 Hi Vasav,
As you requested, I'm starting a new thread to investigate on the issue we are facing. below is the xml that we use as a starting point:
6378.TPS536C7 5.0 Address 88 Project File 2.xml
From that setup, and after some…
Part Number: TPS536C7
Hi TI teams,
We have experienced a burn of a power stage using the TPS. Find below the .xml of the configuration:
1513.TPS536C7 5.0 Address 88 Project File 2.xml
We are using 12 phases. Total Cout is 22.03 mF. Each Power Stage has…
Part Number: TPS536C7 Dear TI Team:
I have no experience on large current power design with multi-phase controller, there are some items need your help.Thanks!
1. I saw there are some items talked about IBIS simulation about TPS536C7 on TI forums, Could…
Hi Eliot,
This may be another issue to look into. Can you start a new E2E thread for this, and assign that to me.
A quick answer to your question is that. 1. Pk to Pk ripple is 16mV. This seems okay.
2. Freq. of the oscillation is ~ 3MHz -- willing to…
Part Number: TPS536C7 Hello expert,
Do we have IBIS model for TPS536C7B1 . Customer would like to do I2C simulation. If no, could we check if there is any other method to simulate I2C bus? Thanks a lot!
Best regards,
Ann Lien
Part Number: TPS536C7 Hello expert,
We connect opposite way for input current sense like CSP/CSN swap, and we would like to report input power value from PMBus. And we ignore input current sense by set READ_IIN as Calculated IIN. But we still got negative…
Part Number: TPS536C7 Hello expert,
My customer would like to know the store configuration command is sending byte to 0x11 or 0x15. One is store_default_all and once is store_user_all. Thanks a lot!
Best regards,
Ann Lien
Part Number: TPS536C7 Hello expert,
My customer would like to set the Vout level on 3.3V. I checked the VBOOT_CHA it seems like we need to add external voltage divider from VSP and VSN. Does it mean the reference is not 3.3V and we need to use voltage divider…