Part Number: TPS53819A I'm using the TPS53819a in an application with 3.3V in and .066V out at 20A. VDD is driven at 5V. The switching frequency is set to 525kHz. The problem I'm seeing is that the switching waveform does 2 consecutive pulses, each with…
Part Number: TPS53819A I am using TPS53819A in my design to generate voltage as below. I generated the schematic using TI Webench. I want to control the EN pin from controller. Controller output is 3.3V CMOS.
Vin: 12VDC
Vout: 0.9V
EN: 3.3V CMOS from …
Part Number: TPS53819A Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS53819 Hi Sir
I am double check TPS53819 circuit for my customer, i find my customer Ven is not high another.
i compare with DS, the DS recommend input capacitor and output capacitor is parallel…
Part Number: TPS53819A Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM27403 Hello,
It shows that the TPS53819A can support up to 40 amps. However, on this image (attached) in the datasheet it shows 0-25A as well on all of the efficiency curves.
I just wanted to…
Part Number: TPS53819A Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS51225 , TPS53819 , TPS53219A , TPS51117 Hi Sir
I have use cross reference to search " APW8828" replace part. But TI website is show TPS51225 the same pinout and function.
After check, i think…
Part Number: TPS53819A Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS53819 Hi Sir
we go to measure customer TPS53819 SW waveform and find there have a little jitter in waveform.
I find the customer 2 point different, may i check if these 2 point will generate jitter…
Part Number: TPS53819A Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS53819 Hi Sir
1.May we know if TPS53819 having design tool ?
2. For datasheet Equation 20, the calculate Vout is complex, but i find the EVB/reference design Vot calculate way is Vfb(0.6V) *(1+RfbH…
Part Number: TPS53819A Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS53819 , Tool/software: Starterware Hi Sir
How to use "TI Digital Power Manufacturing Tool" to programming TPS53819?
Part Number: TPS53819A Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS53819 Hi Sir
May we check if output capacitor will impact TPS53819 switch ferquency?
my customer have no PMBUS, so they use frequency is defult 425KHz, but they response when they change output…