Part Number: TPS54201 Tool/software: Hello everyone
I'm using the TPs54201 as a Peltier driver and I'm trying to get to the recommended pole frequency of 2kHz (analog mode) with parts which are already used in the project to save cost.
With the…
Part Number: TPS54201 Tool/software: Hello,
I am designing a circuit for driving a Peltier Element, I noticed a difference in the datasheet schematic for the TPS54201 and the schematic given in the "Driving a Peltier Element (TEC): Efficiency and Aging…
Part Number: DRV8873-Q1 Hi,
I have question on this two setup to control a peltier module.
We would like to maintain the temperature of a DUT 40 degree celsius. So for example if the DUT goes above 50 degrees we would like to cool it down to 40 degrees…
Part Number: TPS54201 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LP5009 , TPS923652 , TPS923653 Hello,
Here is my LED driver architecture,
The LP5009RUKR generates the PWM signal for the TPS54201, which, in turn, drivers the LEDs. I aim to control the PWM with 4096…
Part Number: TPS54201 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LP8868Z-Q1 Hi team,
Do we have similar device with Q-grade? I can't find the Q-grade with Illumination LED drivers at
Part Number: TPS54201 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS92200 , TPS54200 , I used this a example to control a TEC module. Please note that I took the wrong value for Rsens and later changed this to 0.250R(measured…
Part Number: TPS54201 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS92640 The app report SLUA979A–July 2019–Revised January 2020, is intriguing, but I need to use TEC around 12 to 24 VDC in the range of 10…
Hi Patrick,
In the document of 'Power and Dimming LED with TPS54200 and TPS54201' among the application notes of TPS5420X, there is the following contents. Does the meaning of the underlined part not only reboot Vin(ex. Vin off and then re-on…
Part Number: TPS54201 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMR16006 Hello,
I have build a circuit of 4 channel led driver using 4 tps54201 parts. The board is very small 1.5cmx3cm. i have packed all parts same way and close each other. The inductors are unshielded…
Part Number: TPS54201 I am using a TPS54201 LED driver. The driver worked fine at first. However, after the power (24V) had been cycled about 30 times, the circuit started to draw excessive current from the power supply (the power supply current limited…