Part Number: TPS5430 Tool/software: Hi TIer
Could I ask a question, what do the closed-loop transfer functions and the individual factors of the TPS5430 relate to when I know these factors?
Could you explain how this formula came from?
Thank you very…
Hi Marek,
- Yes flip them so that GND is on the other side.
-Yes, move diode to the right of inductor.
Please use out layout example and other tips provided in the datsheet
I will close this thread. Please start a new one when you are ready for a layout…
Part Number: TPS5430-EP Tool/software: We did RS103 of MIL_STD-461F test on one of our products and it generated a Voltage Overrange flag on our device. Which means, the generated voltage was beyond the set 7% tolerance. I used 2 x TPS5430MDDAREP for…
Part Number: TPS5430 Tool/software: Hi TIer
Customer use our TPS5430DDAR like this schematic.
Output is 9V (250mA - 450mA)
The customer will get some abnormal SW waveform similar to DCM mode in a normal SW waveform with a switching frequency of 80Khz as…
Part Number: TPS5430-EP Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS5430 Tool/software: Hi Sir,
Using TPS5430 can we achieve the following power stability
Power Stability : Unit- % ( RMS ,8 hrs, Range : 0.02 - 0.25)
Unit- % ( Peak to Peak ,8 hrs, Range : 0.1…
Part Number: TPS5430 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS55340 , TPS55340+TPS5430.pdf_bin
Hi team, my customer want to evaluate TPS55340+TPS5430, Could you help to review the SCH?
Thanks for the explanation. So, with these changes, the part new should perform exactly as the old part did and should be a drop-in replacement, correct? Will there be a way to identify the smaller die? How can I get samples of this to test?