Part Number: TPS54J060 Hello, Team
our customer want to know why this device has a 1.04V on the PG pin when the EN pin is low?
PG is only pull up to 3v3 by 10k ohm and not connect to anything.
is it causing by the PG open-drain internal resistance? …
Part Number: TPS54J060 Hi,
We have a TPS54J060 schematic design,Rboot (Location=R2512) is 0603 size, due to layout space limit, I would like to change to 0402 size, do you have calculate rating formula for Rboot? Due to I would like to check Rboot rating…
Part Number: TPS54J060 Hi,
TI recommends a RFB_LS value between X kΩ to XX kΩ on TPS54J060 or other POL. Why is XXKohm for RFB_LS? If the resistance is XMohm or XXohm, is there any impact?
Part Number: TPS54J060 Hi,
Could you please provide VIN transient (AC) spec as below DS shown SW spec?
I can only find VIN DC spec is 18V but no transient show in DS.
Part Number: TPS54J060 Hello, Team
Customer wants to confirm that the PG waveform has a bump during turn-off is because IC hit the VCC_UVLO, so PG open drain is not controlled?
So the bump on PG is actually a partial pull-high voltage when PG open-drain…
Part Number: TPS54J060 Hi,
Could the device support EN assert before input 12V ready?
Is there any issue for the sequence or risk? Trigger output UVP?