Part Number: TPS62085 Tool/software: Hello,
I would like to ask for a detailed explanation of this sentence in the picture below (highlighted in yellow in the image). This picture is from the document : Power-supply sequencing for FPGAs .
Part Number: TPS62085 Based on datasheet, I can find fsw curve on Figure 1.
fsw is variable on different output current due to power saving mode.
But now, I apply 0A/0.3A/0.6A even 1~2A to load, the fsw are all the same which is 1.5Mhz.
fsw should be…
Part Number: TPS62085 Hi,
just want to check if several kHz changes at different load is normal or not. Datasheet curve shows Fsw is almost fixed when load changes above 1A but customer side find it changes several kHz.
based on DCS control topology…
Part Number: TPS62085 Hi Team,
My customer uses Chroma 6312 series E-load to test the TPS62085 EVM.
The configuration is listed below.
When setting E-load to CC mode at 2A, TPS62085 failed to build up the output voltage during…
Part Number: TPS62085 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS62087 , I am using the TPS62087 (1.8V fixed version of TPS62085) in a design with a number of other TPS62085. The input voltages are all 3.3V. The outputs of the TPS62085's are 1.1V, 1.2V, and 2…
Part Number: TPS62085 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TINA-TI , , TPS62130 Tool/software: TINA-TI or Spice Models Hi Team,
I'm using TPS62085 spice model in our website, but it come out an error when I try to import into TINA.
I check the model, it…
Part Number: TPS62085 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS62080A , TPS62510 , TPS8268150 , TPS8268180 Can TPS62085 support 2.5V input and 1.6V output? What's the output current capability for such application?
Part Number: TPS62085 So my question is whether or not the terminal side of the component surface is a wettable.
In similar components the datasheet does say that the terminal side is not intended to be a wettable surface by design but your datasheet…