Part Number: TPS62150A-Q1
Our customer is considering to use TPS62150A-Q1.
They have a question about dynamic current limit.
There is following description in datasheet P11.
The current limit can exceed static values, especially…
Part Number: TPS62130A Please check following compare products website.
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I think some features have been deleted or erroneous.
Would you please fill in the yellow highlighted cell in the attachment?
Part Number: TPS62150A-Q1 Hi, Good day. I hope you are well. Our customer wants to use the TPS62150A-Q1 on their design and they want to protect the 5V VDD output for short circuit to Battery and GND. So, they have added a general purpose diode between…
Part Number: TPS62150A-Q1 Hi team,
My customer asked question about UVLO.
Q.1) In Table.2, it describes "0.7 V < VIN < VUVLO". Does "0.7V" meand 0.7xVin, or simply 0.7V?
Q.2) Customer want to toggle PG when Vin goes down to 6V…
Part Number: TPS62153A-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS62150A-Q1 , Hi There,
My customer is debating selecting the TPS62150A-Q1 to generate 5 V from 12 Vin. I have also suggested the TPS62153A-Q1, as it is a fixed 5 V output part.
Regarding the TPS62153A…
Hi Barry,
For the TPS62130, only p2p compatible parts are the TPS62130A, TPS62130A-Q1, TPS62140, TPS62140A, TPS62150, TPS62150A, TPS62150A-Q1. But the TPS62140, TPS62140A, TPS62140A-Q1 are 2A rated parts and TPS62150, TPS62150A and TPS62150A-Q1 are 1A…
Part Number: TPS62130 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS62150A-Q1 , Customer is currently using 2 devices for 2 output rails:
TPS62130RGTR deliver 1.5V @ 500mA
TPS62150AQRGTTQ1 deliver 3.3V @ 450mA
Due to shortage, they want to qualifying either device…
Part Number: TPS65381A-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS62150A-Q1 , TPS62130A-Q1 Hi experts:
As you known TPS65381A-Q1 is qualified to power TMS570 family of processor. As recommended design, the VDD1 output from TPS65381A-Q1 is used to power the…
Hi Alex,
TPS62150A-Q1, TPS62160-Q1 or TPS62170-Q1 should work well here. I see you started an email chain on this topic as well so we can discuss there if any more questions.
Part Number: TPS62133 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS62130A-Q1 , TPS62140 , TPS62140A , TPS62150 , TPS62130 , TPS62130A , TPS62150A Could you please let me know when this part will become available? Or could you suggest an alternate part that is available…