Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS62732 Hello,
I am using TPS62732 in my design to power up SPI flash memory (Cypress's S25FS256SAGNFI001). I have attached the schematic for reference.
There is a problem in voltage output from TPS62732 when Flash…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS62730 , TPS62732 , CC2541 Hello,
i've changed the title of post. My problem is with TPS62730DRYR rigth now. I powered TPS62730 3.3V and i got 3.2V on output. Here's my scheme: Vcc is input voltage and CCVCC is output voltage…
To my knowledge we have not done any measurements with CC1190 with a switched supply. Switching noise in a RF system is a fairly complex question and also very dependent on switching frequency and layout. This makes it difficult to with any confidence…