Thank you for the reply. These information are very helpful.
Varun John said: The VIN could be on for 1.9us because the device starts up in PFM Varun John said: Since the VOUT is 0V, the converter will turn on the high side FET for a longer on time…
Part Number: TPS62823 Greeting all,
Having a difficult time sourcing about 300 pieces of this part: TPS62823DLCR
Can anyone offer some assistance?
Patrick Hoban - NOKIA
Murray Hill, NJ
Part Number: TPS62823 Hi Team,
in TPS62823 datasheet, we shows the Iq is 6-10uA with EN=High, IOUT=0A, device not switching. Do we have Iq with EN=High, IOUT=0A, device switching? It will be more valuable to know the actual Iq in system.
Part Number: TPS62822 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS62823 , , TPS62821 We have a requirements for TPS62822/ TPS62823/ TPS62821 parts. As suggested by Excel Regidor in my earlier query, I have the get notifications option on TI store enabled, but the part…
Part Number: TPS62823 Hello,
I have a customer who is interested in using the TPS62823 for some power rails in their design.
They have expressed concern about the possible additional voltage ripple added when the device enters PSM under light load conditions…
Part Number: TPS62823 Dear teams,
This is the start-up waveform when the output voltage is set to 1V. There is a discontinuous step, do you know what is the cause?
Part Number: TPS62823 We are using the TPS62823 in a device that relies partly on battery power. when we are not powered from our main supply we need to have as low a current as possible. during testing of our power supply we noticed that total quiescent…
Part Number: TPS62823 Dear teams,
When I checked the voltage of the SW pin, it was over rated.
The voltage of the SW pin exceeds Vin+0.3V, and the time exceeding Vin is longer than 10ns, so the relaxation condition cannot be applied.
Are there any problems…