Part Number: TPS65988DK Tool/software: This may be a silly question, but the TPS65988DK datasheet says:
This PD controller is only intended for use in USB4 device designs
Can I safely assume that USB3.1 is supported, as USB4 should be backwards compatible…
Part Number: TPS65988DK Tool/software: Hi,
My Customer have wants to down load file from secure resource but have apply permission for few days can't get feedback.
Would you please help on this? thanks!
Part Number: TPS65988DK Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS65987 Tool/software: Hi TI E2E Team,
We have a requirement to flash the USB PD controller using external flash memory, TPS65988DK flashing via external SPI memory.
During this case, can you…
Hi Clarence,
These are tester issues that I have confirmation for so we can close all issues on port B.
For port A we need to make a modification to the VIF to set swap to DFP supported to no f…
Part Number: TUSB1064 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: HD3SS214 , , TPS65988DK Tool/software: Hi
we have a new project call RSW, it is used for USB & DisplayPort switch for two host, we select TUSB1064 + hd3ss214 for its part function implementation…
Part Number: TPS65988DK Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TUSB1064 , , HD3SS214 , TPS65988 , TPS65987DDK , TUSB564 Tool/software: Hi
we have a new project call RSW, it is used for USB & DisplayPort switch for two host, we select TUSB1064 + TPS65988DK + hd3ss214…
Part Number: TPS65988DK Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS65988 Tool/software: Hello TI Team,
Can we connect two SPI flash over single SPI interface in USB PD TPS65988? \
This is simply to give option for 2x configuration file loading in USB PD via…
Part Number: TPS65988DK Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS65982 , TPS6598X-CONFIG Tool/software: Hello,
We are unable to programm the flash memory using the FT2232HL Programmer & TPS6598X-CONFIG — TPS65982 Configuration Tool. Below are the…
Hi David,
Apologies for the delayed response, seems like you were able to root cause the issue! If you need further assistance please open a new e2e thread for further support.
Thanks and Regards, Raymond Lin