Part Number: TPS71501-EP Tool/software: Hello,
Please let us know the process followed for adding gold in the termination (Immersion or Plated) ? Also if any of these parts are with pre-tinned terminations ? If so, What is the process followed (Dynamic…
Part Number: TPS71501-EP we bought part#TPS71501DCKR, when our QC team do inspection, there are observed discoloration on leads, details as below pictures, we have concern that if it's ok on the board. pls kindly help review and advise if it's normal…
Part Number: TPS71501-EP Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS7A25 , TPS715 Добрый день,
У нас есть задача построить узел, который бы мог генерировать с платы в кабель ток определенных значений. Генерируемый ток будет вызывать падение напряжения на резисторах…
Part Number: TPS71501-EP Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS715 Manufacture data sheet for part number TPS71501 specs operating temperature as TJ not TA. (Figure attached below along with RΘJA info).
As TJ= PD* RΘJA+TA, and MFG specifies…
Part Number: TPS71501-EP Is there a specification for startup time for the TPS71501-Q1 LDO? Looking min,nom,max if possible. WEBENCH gives me ~100µs nominal to the 90% voltage.
Part Number: TPS71501-EP
Hello, I would like to ask, when the TPS71501 is supplying power to the single-chip 3.3V, how to solve the TPS71501 output voltage overshoot, is it Cfb? How to calculate Cfb
Part Number: TPS71501-EP Hi Expert,
The engineer is looking for the TPS71501 Dropout voltage Characteristics as Figure 1 of datasheet (Output Voltage vs Output Current) for 12Vin.
Pls advice.
Best regards,
Eric Lai
Field Application Engineer
Texas Instruments…
Part Number: TPS71501-EP I am using this part number with an adjustable output using external resistors. Is the Vout accuracy of 6.25% based on using a fixed votlage output? Or if not, what is the source of the accuracy on Vout?
Part Number: TPS71501-EP The TPS71501-EP has its Vout accuracy qualified as +/- 6.25% when 100 uA <= Iout <= 50 mA. However, I plan on using this LDO with an Iout of 10-20 uA. What kind of output voltage accuracy can I expect with an output current this…
Part Number: TPS71501-EP The ABS max in the table is shown as 6V but the in two other spots in the datasheet, the device is described as being adjustable to 15V. What is the correct ABS max value.