Part Number: TPS77601-EP Hello,
We have stock of TI part SN74ALVC7805-40DLR, but cannot find anything related to the part, PDN, or lifecycle on Can you please advise part lifecycle and provide PDN if applicable?
Part Number: TPS77601-EP Hi E2E,
Good day.
Our customer is requesting for the junction-to-lead or junction-to-board thermal resistance of V62/03631-07XE.
Thank you in advance for your assistance.
Regards, Carlo
Part Number: TPS77601-EP I am wanting to use the Power Good pin on the TPS77601DR, but I am not sure what the maximum current is that this open drain pin can sink. Can someone tell me where to find this in the datasheet?
I attached all the extended temperature products for linear regulators with input voltage greater than 10V. There is only one part that allows the full VIN; it is the TPS71501-EP (adjustable output voltage). However the maximum rated output current…