Part Number: TPS7A53B Tool/software: Looking to select a Schottky diode for reverse current protection. In the data sheet, it suggests the max rating of Vout > Vin + 0.3V. If interpreting this correctly, I would need a Schottky diode with a forward voltage…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMQ64480-Q1 , LMR14050 , TPS7A53B Hi Expert,
Could you recommend a buck solution with auto spec? thanks!
Input:12V(typ) 36V(max)
Output:0.8V/ 0.9V
Current: 3A
Part Number: TPS7A94 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS7A14 , TPS7A53B Hi, I have a board I'm working on that requires the following power rails:
19V @ 2A
5V @ 3A
3V3 @ 1A
1V05 @ 1A
I'm trying to figure out whether I should be using 4 discrete regulators…