Part Number: TPS7H4010-SEP Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TINA-TI , Tool/software: Hello,
Is there a TINA or WEBBENCH file built for this part that I can use to get started.
Thank you!
Part Number: TPS7H4010-SEP Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS7H4010EVM
I am using the TPS7H4010 as the first-stage power converter to generate a 5V power rail from an input voltage range of 6V to 30V. I would like the DC-DC converter…
Part Number: TPS7H4010-SEP Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS7H4003-SEP Tool/software: Hello,
My customer has a question about the SW pin of the TPS7H4010-SEP .
Is there a way to display or calculate the output voltage level of the SW pin of the TPS7H4003…
Part Number: TPS7H4010-SEP Tool/software: Please provide the values we have for the CTE of the subject device
This is needed for reliability calculations on a space mission
Part Number: TPS7H4010-SEP Tool/software: Hi,
In the datasheet, mass of TPS7H4010MRNPSEP is 57.2mg
Through material attribute, net weight is 67mg.
Which is correct? or is there any difference between mass vs net weight? unit is same.
Part Number: TPS7H4010-SEP Tool/software: What is the minimum required capacitance on the VCC pin?
Datasheet pg. 3 "Connect a high-quality 2.2-μF capacitor from this pin to GND."
Datasheet pg. 18 "The VCC pin must have a 1-μF to 4.7-μF…
Part Number: TPS7H4010-SEP Tool/software: Hi,
I would like to use the TPS7H4010-SEP buck converter in a very light load application. Input voltage can vary from 26V - 32V and the output is a 5V 100mA max load. Nominally the load will be 20-30mA. I expect…
Part Number: TPS7H4010-SEP Tool/software: Hi,
PSPICE TPS7H4010-SEP_AVG : gives the expected output bias point (5V, 140mA) but the model should not be used for transient analysis => fails to achieve any line regulation (output rises to 6V).
Part Number: TPS7H4010-SEP Tool/software: Hi experts
Can someone provide efficiency curves for the following Vin/Vout conditions and FPWM?
Vin = 12V
Vout = 3.3V, 2.5V, 1.2V and 1.0V
The information in the datasheet is very limited.
Jim B