Part Number: TPS92664-Q1 Tool/software: Dear TI, I ask for your help to make the following products. Application: LED Matrix If you have any materials that can be used for actual design, such as Application Note, please share them. If you have any additional…
Part Number: TPS92664-Q1 Tool/software: Hi Team,
Now, I am studying TPS92664, the main different with TPS92665 is MTP, I see many customer data range, such as MTP register 0x28-0x6F, I don't see any description on datasheet, could you please help ex…
Part Number: TPS92664-Q1 Tool/software: Hello TI, Im working on a project where driver heath check of internal switches is required. I'm facing difficulties where some of the revisions of the chips (I assume these represent different revisions as the…
Part Number: TPS92664-Q1 Tool/software: I could not find the datasheet described pin alignment or communication method.
and also I want sample code for UART.
Please let me know above.
Part Number: TPS92664-Q1 Tool/software: Dear Team,
As in the datasheet of TPS92664, I can see the voltage, Vin Max = 60V.
I need to know few things in this, as follows.
1) This 60V represents the whole device driving capability or Driving capability…
Part Number: TPS92664-Q1 Tool/software: at the moment we have the problem that we can't communicat over UART. Is it possible that you can send us some demo code for communication over UART with the driver.
Part Number: TPS92664-Q1 Hello team,
Kindly ask a question:
Can 92662A and 92664 share one control loop, on the other words, whether address identification and communication protocols can be shared?
Part Number: TPS92664-Q1 Tool/software: Hi, I have an TPS92664 MxIc. I want to power it and the switches should be off, so no LED will be shorted. Therefore I connected the FAILSAFE Pin to GND, so after the power up I should get and MTP Error and the…