Part Number: TPSF12C3 Hi team.
Due to customer wants TPSF12C3 as a common part of their product.
So Does TPSF12C3 can be used as single phase power system?
If yes. could you provide an example circuit? thanks
Part Number: TPSF12C3-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPSF12C1-Q1 Tool/software: Hi,
The 3D model step file is empty after download. Would you check the file? Thanks.
Hi Baris,
If there are no further updates, please go ahead and close the thread by clicking on "resolved". If you have additional questions in the future, please feel free to start another thread. Thank you,
Part Number: TPSF12C3-Q1 Tool/software: Team,
I have found some posts about line frquency of 400 Hz which should be possible for the device. Newer avionics applications require variable frequency of 360 Hz to 800 Hz line frequency of the 115VAC power supply…
Part Number: TPSF12C3-Q1 Hey Tim,
I have a question about the connecton of the Inj-Cap. Normally the AEF injects the current on the neutral line.
It should also be possible to inject on any phase (e.g. L1), or does this reduce the effect of the AEF? …
Part Number: TPSF12C3-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPSF12C3 Hi team,
The customer needs to simulate the TPSF12C3, but only the PSPICE model and SIMPLIS model are available on the website, and the customer uses SIMETRIX as the emulator .
1, customer…
Part Number: TPSF12C3 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TIDM-1000 , We need an aditional filter stage to mitigate the differential-mode (DM) noise and I therefore was wondering where to place the 3 corresponding power inductors. In our "traditional" filter…