Part Number: TPSM365R6 Tool/software: Please advise me. Am I correct in understanding that TPSM365R6, TLVM236x5 and similar modules should not be used on 2-layer PCBs?
Part Number: TPSM365R6 Tool/software: Hi,
I am using the below schematic:
Up to VIN < 40V the output seems to be stable at 3.3V.
Above VIN = 40V, the IC upon power-up immediately defects resulting in a short-circuite between VIN and VOUT.
All peripherals…
Part Number: TPSM365R6 Tool/software: Hi,
I have a problem with the TPSM365R6. The 5V output voltage oscillates like on the oscillogram below.
The input voltage range is 12-48V. The oscillograms were done with 25V on the input.
Here is the scheme:
Part Number: TPSM365R6 Tool/software: Dear Specialists,
My customer is considering TPSM365R6V5 and has a question.
I would be grateful if you could advise.
I have a question about the pattern for the TPSM365R6V5RDNR.
Regarding the VIN3 pin and SW6…
Hi Adrian,
I just tested the TPSM365R6 EVM at your operating conditions. At 25C, looks like a rise of ~50 degrees at 2p2MHz, 0.5A Iout, 57Vin, 12Vout.
Please see attached.
Part Number: TPSM365R6 Tool/software: I have a similar question to the following thread. The thread was marked as resolved, but I am still having issues understanding the recommended footprint.…
Part Number: TPSM365R6 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMR36506 , LM5169 , LMR38010 , LM5168
Hello, I downloaded the above part footprint from Ti site. Is the solder mask layer correct? Should I enable mask cutout for pads fully? Can I use this…
Hi Daan,
If there are no further questions, please close this thread. Also, if you have any questions regarding another parts, please open up a separate thread as these threads are searched on a constant basis and we want the thread to be specific to…
Part Number: TPSM365R6 Tool/software: Hello,
I was working with the MODE/SYNC version of the part and will not be using the sync function, so was looking for how to tie the pin for FPWM or Auto mode. I see in the datasheet I tie to either of the two…