Part Number: TPSM8A29 Tool/software: I don't understand how to avoid ERROR(ORPSIM-16583). We changed the DC-DC converter in our product to PTSM8A29 due to EOL (End of Life). This circuit is a programmable current supply. We are using the ADA4062 for…
Part Number: TPSM8A29 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS549A20 , TPSM843B22 Tool/software: Hello,
My customer is looking for power modules between 3A and 15A with output voltage/current monitor function via I2C or PMBUS.
- VIN = 12V, VOUT = 0.9~5V
Part Number: TPSM8A29 The webench simulation on this composant is not corresponding to the datasheet about the Rtrip value. According to the datasheet this value shall be between 0 and 14.7kR.
My simulation has been done with the following parameters…
Part Number: TPSM8A29 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS548A28 I got the Restricted Chemicals Test Results for TPSM8A29RDGR from the web page.
Does the "Mounting Compound/Die Attach" component in the "Table of Contents" include the die?…
Part Number: TPSM8A29 Hi team,
I have two questions about single-end use.
1. The data sheet requires to connect a local bypass capacitor, but where does this capacitor connect?
2. VSNS- and AGND are connected in the shortest trace.
Can they connect both…
Part Number: TPSM8A29 Hi team,
For the part TPSM8A29, do we have the solution to use multiple pcs TPSM8A29 in parallel? Do we have any stackable feature that is optimized for current sharing?
Could you pls share some comments here?
Best regard…
Part Number: TPSM8A29 The recommended value for PGOOD resistor is between 1k and 100k as mentioned in the datasheet. What exact value needs to be chosen and how it will affect the performance? Does this resistor needs to be pulled up with VCC pin ?
Part Number: TPSM8A29 Hello,
In the typical application I see the feedback resistor network is connected to PGND instead of AGND. I would have thought this is the other way around. Can you comment on why AGND is not preferred here?
Part Number: TPSM8A29 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPSM8A28 Hi team,
Is the efficiency curve on the TPSM8A28/9 datasheet applicable for both TPSM8A28 and TPSM8A29?
Or, does it have any difference?
The current range looks <15A which is only supported…