Part Number: TS5A12301E Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TS5A3159-Q1 Hi team,
My customer needs the Tj, max value for this IC.
I can see the ΨJT value on the datasheet but i do not see the max junction temp.
Thanks, Luke
Part Number: TS5A23166 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TS5A12301E e2e,
I was curious if there was a analog switch in the TI catalog that has same footprint as the TS5A23166 (dual analog switch) with a control input threshold independent of the supply…
Part Number: TS5A6542 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TS5A12301E , Is there any chance of getting a quick summary on the differences between these parts? Just so I have a reference to go on when I compare the DS.
Part Number: TS5A12301E HI.
I want to use the TS5A12301E HSPICE model on a simulator. The simulator used is Keysight's ADS. However, I was unable to load the model and contacted Keysight. As a result, I got the answer that it can be used by having the…
Part Number: TS5A12301E Hi sir:
TS5A12301E be used as Bidirection load Switch. If the Current form Com to NC(NO) Under 0.4 A.Is it?
It means The com I will connect to Power,the NC(No) will connect to load. Or Nc(No) connect the power, the com connect the…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TS5A12301E HI
Like to check if TS5A12301E will still work if the V+ supply is not available or underpowered.
If yes, does the resistance still follow the summary of characteristic on page 2 of the data sheet
Part Number: TS3A4751 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TS5A12301E , TS3USB31E e2e,
I cannot find a quad switch like
2mm x 2mm, +/-4kV ESD HBM:
but with >=+/-8kV HBM ESD protection