Part Number: TVP5146M2 Hi,
We have been using TVP5146M2. We are designing a new product now and noticed that TVP5146M2 is declared NRND.
Kindly suggest replacement part for it.
Kantha Rao
Part Number: TVP5146M2 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TVP5160 Good Morning,
I'm using TVP5146M2 in my project and I'm having problems with image quality.
The defect is especially noticeable around the text. Please look at the following pictures…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TVP5146M2 I have a project that uses the TVP5146M2 Decoder and I am having an issue or I don't seem to not fully understand why I am seeing what I am seeing.
My initialization sequence after power up: write 00 to register…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TVP5146M2 , TVP5146 , TVP7002 , TVP5150 1: I have a project where I need to convert legacy video signals such as CVBS NTSC and PAL, Analog and Digital RGB, and VGA to HDMI. I believe the TVP5146M2 is the current part that…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TVP5146M2 , AM3517 , TVP5146 We are having issues with video quality while using the TVP5146M2 to get video data into an AM3517 processor. The AM3517 captures NTSC video, and then displays it via an HDMI interface.
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TVP5146M2 Hi,everyone
I am using the TVP5146M2 and I want to remove the UV(Chrominance) signal, only reserve the Y(Luminance) signal,
How to filter the UV signal? modify the tvp5146m2 register or what? Please help me
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TVP5146M2 , TVP5158 Hello,
Can the TVP5146M2 scale video? I am trying to scale from 640 x 480 to 480 x 480. I couldn't see any reference to a scaler in the datasheet, but I wanted to confirm. The TVP5158 has a scaler…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TVP5146M2 Hello,
I'm using TI ADC TVP5146M2 and I discover some issues:
1- Some vertical bar color appear behind the videos with a frequency around 2.3 Mhz.
the picture of this issue:
2- In RGB mode, the original colors…
I do not find a product that fit your requirement. I only find composite and S-Video into component YCbCr instead of RGB. See . Although this product as well as other older video format products are still active…