Part Number: UCC25705 Hi, Ti member
I want to operate 100kHz and the maximum duty close to 99% by UCC25705.
have some questions about PWM IC design:
the block diagram shows : this mode 0 , the timing of capacitor is discharge through low impedanc…
Part Number: UCC25705 Hi,
I want to operate my buck converter at 100KHz with UCC25705 PWM controller. Is this possible?
I came across UCC35075 is used one of the evaluation board at 500KHz switching frequency. Hence, I hope UCC25705 also can be used at…
Part Number: UCC25705 is this ic will work at lower switching frequency like less than 100Khz. just i need to select the Rt and Ct value like other controllers to achieve 100khz
Part Number: UCC25705 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UCC38C43 , UCC35705 , UCC25706 , UCC35706 Tool/software: WEBENCH® Design Tools Hello all,
I tried simulate the UCC5705 in webbech tool. But I am not able to find the same. I need to validate…
Part Number: UCC25705 Hi Team,
My customer is using UCC25705DTR and need ESD rating information for devices approval sheet. There is no related information shown in datasheet, could team help to provide it?
Thanks a lot.
Vincent Chen
Part Number: UCC25705 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UCC38C42 ,
Hello Support team,
Could you tell me how UCC25705 support external clock synchronization? I find application example in SLUA257 for UCC38C42 case. Can UCC25705 support with same method…
Part Number: UCC25705 Hi, I'm somewhat new to electronics and I have a special application for generating a 200khz sine wave. I'm trying to achieve this using class D amplification for high efficiency. I would like the driving PWM frequency to be about…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UCC25705 Hello! I have a question about small- signal PWM gain of the UCC25705. For a buck converter transfer function of the power stage is K_PWR = Vin * K_LC , where Vin - i nput voltage , K_LC - transfer function of the out…
Part Number: LM5021-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM5021 , UCC35706 , UCC35705 , UCC25706 , UCC25705 , UC3525A , UCC27517 Hi TI Team
I'd like to know the CS function of LM5021-Q1.
Could I disable this function?
I need a PWM IC could work on voltage…