Part Number: UCC2808A-1Q1
We would like to know the maximum frequency (oscillator frequency & switching frequency at OUTA) limit for UCC2808 IC .
As we have found schematic of one of the application note on TI website as shown below (PMP9522),
For active clamp forward converter design, and theory, please review this below:
Understanding and Designing an Active Clamp Current Mode Controlled Converter (Rev. A)
In your case, for 100V to 160V input, and 200W, in automotive, I suggest you use…
Part Number: UCC2808A-1Q1 My design is open loop (OUTA and OUTB duty cycle is constant 50%), the starting current peak value is small (soft start time 1ms and above), the current soft start time can only be 400us, how can we improve the soft start time…
Part Number: UCC2808A-1Q1 We use TI's UCC2808 device for an asymmetric half-bridge resonant power supply, as shown in the figure.
With 250 kRC frequency and 100 uH 1:1.008 turn ratio of TDK, the output load capacity of 40 mA is too weak, resulting…
Part Number: UCC2808A-1Q1 I would like to request a review of a schematic for a design using the UCC2808A-1Q1.
Please contact me offline for the schematic.
Part Number: UCC2808A-1Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: PMP9522 Team,
We are working on a design for push-pull power supply with UCC2808A in an EV application. Do you have any recommendations for a transformer (ideally if fitting to the below specs…
Hi Josef,
Push Pull UCC2808A-1Q1 and UCC2808A-2Q1 can be used here.