Part Number: UCC2808A-2Q1 Tool/software: Could you please tell me about the COMP terminal of the TI UCC2808A-2Q1?
Question 1 When COMP terminal is open, how much voltage is found COMP pin ?
Please tell me the electrical characteristics, if any.
Part Number: UCC2808A-2Q1 Please see attached(circuit and waveform).
circuit and waveform.xlsx
We would like to know UCC2808A-2Q1 operation sequence.
1.Out is about 50% duty and COMP voltage is High(7.5V) In normal condition:
2.They increase load current…
Part Number: UCC2808A-2Q1 Our customer consider to use UCC2808A-2Q1.
We got following questions from them. Please advise us.
1) When the CS terminal detects the threshold, the DUTY of the OUTA or OUTB output is reduced as shown in the attachment. Is this…
Part Number: UCC2808A-2Q1 Hi Team,
Why the UCC2808A-2Q1 Webench model showed switching frequency from 50kHz to 1Mhz only? Customer want to use it in 40kHz.
From datasheet Figure 3, the working frequency can low to 7Khz. Could you help confirm the frequency…
Part Number: UCC2808A-2Q1 Hi team,
How long it takes for this IC to start its PWM output upon powering on?
For its internal soft-start, can it be affected by external capacitors installed on COMP pin?
Part Number: UCC2808A-2Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM25037 Hi Experts,
What's the difference between UCC2808AQDR-2Q1 and UCC2808AQDR-2G4Q1? Thanks.
Part Number: UCC2808A-2Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UCC2808A-2 Hi team,
There is no spec on recommended VDD in datasheet - any advice what is the recommended operating condition for VDD for UCC2808A-2Q1?
Since start threshold UVLO of UCC2808A-2Q1…
Part Number: UCC2808A-2Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM25037 Hi team,
Customer is requesting PSpice model for UCC2808A-2Q1 (UCC2808AQDR-2Q1). Please let me know how to support this.
Part Number: UCC2808A-2Q1 Is there possible to have the spice file for the part? I need to show this part can generate 50kHz PWM.
the related parts from TI discussion will not work at that frequency.