Part Number: UCC2813-4 Tool/software:
How does an overvoltage work in an overvoltage protection circuit like the one shown above?
PC2 detects overvoltage. Please tell me what the roles of the COMP and FB terminals are in this case.
Thank you in advance…
Part Number: UCC2813-4 Hi, I just designed a fly-back DC-DC converter with UCC2813-4. But it seems not work in high efficiency.
I checked the waveform and found that the duty cycle is only about 29%. At the same time, there's no current flow through the…
Part Number: UCC2813-4 Hello Team, Good day! Need your inputs on this. Our customer wants to operate the UCC2813-4 at 70V and 60V VCC as the turn-on and off threshold respectively. Is it possible to do this through a voltage divider configuration at the…
Part Number: UCC2813-4 Tool/software: WEBENCH® Design Tools Hi team,
Could you tell me how to select secondary FET instead of diode? As default, it looks WEBENCH generates only secondary diode(Dsec), we can't select FET.
Thank you for your support…
Part Number: UCC2813-4-Q1 Question from customer:
The data sheet contains the following information:
The typical value for the start-up current is 0.1mA, maximum is 0.23mA.
Does this mean that the controller can be guaranteed to…
Part Number: UCC2813-4-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UCC1804 The datasheet for the UCC2813-x-Q1 family shows that the VCC ABS MAX rating is 12V. There is a footnote that states "
In normal operation VCC is powered through a current limiting resistor…
(1) For the minimum VCC voltage, you need to make the VCC above UVLO_on. For UCC2813-0, the UVLO_on is 7.2 V.
(2) Here are differences for different part number from UCC2813-0 to UCC2813-5. They have different turn on voltage of UVLO.
(3) The maximum…
Hi! OK I tried a couple of things.
First, I replaced C13 from 120uF to 200uF; it didn't seem to have any impact.
Next, I removed D5 and R3, and powered the UCC2813 from a benchtop supply (10V, current limited to 50mA). I applied AC and then powered…
For the UCC2813-0, UCC2813-2 & UCC2813-3, Dmax = 100%, for these versions OUT pin Fsw= Fosc.
For the UCC2813-1, UCC2813-4 & UCC2813-5, Dmax = 50%, implemented using an internal toggle flip-flop. So for these versions, Fsw = 0.5 * Fosc.…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UCC2813-5 , TLV431 , UCC2813-1 , UCC2813-4 Dear all
I will develop the product using UCC2813-5. (Input : AC 50V or DC 50V +/- 30% OutPut : 5V / 12A (60W) A circuit diagram based on the circuit proposed by TI Webench has been…