Part Number: UCC29002 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UCC39002 Hi Team,
May I know How the CS+/- and LS to do control 3V to switch Adjust Amp? Thanks.
Part Number: UCC29002 Hi
Two units are tested on the same backplane, one is powered on and the other is not powered on. When powered on, the voltage of this product can be backfilled to the chip vdd of the unpowered product through the equalizing line…
Part Number: UCC29002 For 400V applications, does TI recommend a high or low voltage shunt resistor?
is there a way to ensure the shunt resistor does not exceed CS- 's minimum voltage rating?
Part Number: UCC29002 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS40075 , LM27403 , , LM2673 Hi Team,
Our customer is looking for a DC/DC converter with Vin = 15V and Vout = - 12V, Iout = 2A and can be connected in parallel to the same DC/DC converter.
He will configure…
Part Number: UCC29002 Hi
Trying to load share 3.3v module with UCC29002. Ask if it is possible because it is outside the voltage range. If not, please check the possible solution.
Part Number: UCC29002 Hello
I have AC to DC Power supply output +V and -V with this output. how should i connect UCC29002 IC without (+S and -S)
i want to develop redundant power supply.
Is that any possible way to use this IC without +S and -S.
Part Number: UCC29002 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UCC28950 , Hello,
My system consists of 3 modules paralleled at 24V and each doing 1100W, for a total load of 3300W. Each module has a UCC28950 and a load share UCC29002D.
When I run each module independently…
Part Number: UCC29002 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UCC28950 Hello TI Team,
I would use the UCC29002 with the UCC28950 in a parallelable power supply witch be use like a battery charger.
I would like to know if UCC29002 is compatible with the constant…
Part Number: UCC29002 Hi
At present, there are 3 units of 500W connected in parallel. At a low temperature of -40 degrees C, the startup will be abnormal and the current cannot be stabilized. The figure shows the current waveform of a unit. Have you encountered…
Hello Thirupathi,
Thank you for your replies to my questions and suggestions.
1. Please keep the 10K base resistor shorted. 2. I calculated VDD should be 6.4V (or higher) based on this: Assume "VOUT+" = 28V. Diagram shows "-OUTPUT" connected…