Part Number: UCC5870-Q1 Tool/software: Wanted to post an update to the related question but the thread was locked. We were able to fix the issue. In order to not trigger the VCE_CLP safety on startup, we had tied VCE_CLP to GND2, however we needed to…
Part Number: UCC5870-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UCC5880-Q1 , UCC21750 Tool/software: Hello,
I am trying to utilize UCC5870-Q1 as a SiC module driver. Our requirements are pretty simple, it should output gate drive signal once we provide it with…
Part Number: UCC5870-Q1 Tool/software: We are trying to make our gate drivers go to ASC mode on reset by holding AI5 and AI6 at approximately 3.4V. In order to not trigger other safeties which are enabled on reset, we tried the following:
1. Pulling AI2…
Part Number: UCC5870-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UCC5880-Q1 Dears:
When customer test EVM-026 board ,they found it can just configure one UCC5870-Q1, another one always shows Driver is in reset state and BIST is running, Could you please help…
Part Number: UCC5870-Q1 Dears,
I am trying to make a new board based on the design of the evaluation board. I only added a Zener diode to regulate the output voltage from the ZA9710 transformer and changed the gate resistors to 10 ohms. However, when…
Part Number: UCC5870-Q1
INT_COMM_PRI_FAULT and CLK_MON_PRI_FAULT bits are also set.
Status1 register: 0x80E0
Status2 register: 0x40A6
Bit status indicates there is a problem with communication between the primary and secondary sides of the chip. This…
Part Number: UCC5870-Q1 Hi Team,
For the Gate driver UCC5870-Q1 we are planning to use AND Gate (SN74LVC1G08QDCKRQ1).
But when I check VIH(max values) and VIL (min values) which are provided is For Gate driver UCC5870-Q1
Where as for AND Gate the va…
Part Number: UCC5870-Q1 Dears:
Customer want to test UCC5870-Q1 function without SPI, As MCU is not ready, they want to test it in default value. Could you please help check if it can work ? Thanks.
Part Number: UCC5870-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UCC5880-Q1 I am writing to seek assistance regarding an issue with the UCC5870QDWJEVM-026 evaluation module. Specifically, I am encountering difficulties in connecting it to the GUI on my PC. Despite…
Part Number: UCC5870-Q1 Hello TIer,
I have question about UCC5870-Q1 DESAT waveform in datasheet.
Why the VDESAT signal has twice ramp when VGE turned on? Could you help explain as detail? Thank you.