Part Number: UCD3138PSFBEVM-027
I was wondering what the maximum timer16 frequency was, and how many cycles in takes for the FIQ to respond?
Also, if I increase the timer to trigger the fast interrupt too fast, the device stops responding and is unable…
Part Number: UCD3138PSFBEVM-027 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UCD3138
What do you think the best way would be to test the included PSFB firmware in open loop so I can just see the DPWM signals without connecting the evaluation board?
I would like…
Part Number: UCD3138PSFBEVM-027 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UCD3138 , Hello,
I am working on dc-dc converter (400V to 48V ; 2.5kW) and trying to reuse the UCD3138PSFBEVM-027 module and concept that uses UCD3138 digital controller. Currently the EVM…
Part Number: UCD3138PSFBEVM-027 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS2411 Hello,
In UCD3138PSFBEVM-027 , the ORing controller used in schematic is TPS2411PW. I have higher output voltage (48V), current (52A), power (2.5kW) requirement. Kindly let me know…
Part Number: UCD3138PSFBEVM-027 Hi,
I am currently using the PSFB eval board for prototype testing. I noticed that when the board is powered up (with any voltage 30-350V), the VIN_SCALED signal is not a DC signal but is some periodic waveform (as shown…
Part Number: UCD3138PSFBEVM-027 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UCD3138 Dear sir/madam,
I am a lecturer at technical University of Cluj Napoca I am working with a PhD student on UCD3138PSFBEVM-027. The board comes with peak current mode control and I…
Part Number: UCD3138PSFBEVM-027
Hi team,
please provide the package list of the EVM, so confused from the customer, are all shown below are included or just the power board itself?
Part Number: UCD3138PSFBEVM-027 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UCD3138 Hello everyone hope you re good !
I want to know how can i get measurement of the EADC input (EAP0) using the UCD3138 ,
I tried to connect it with a potentiometer but i always get…
Part Number: UCD3138PSFBEVM-027 Hi
I enabled a burst mode through GUI. And then click the "write to hardware",the input power was reduced.
Next, I click the "store ram to flash". Then the input power go back. Burst mode disabled.
Part Number: UCD3138PSFBEVM-027 Hello
I tested UCD3138PSFBEVM-027
At no load condition, there is no burst mode operation.
Sync FET is on PWM switching
How can I operate burst mode at light load.