Dag Bert,
have seen your conversation in the e2e Forum:
Maybe you can have a look at LM25018 used in a fly-buck topology. In case of using 2 windings you can support pos and neg isolated outputs.
AN-2292 Designing an Isolated Buck (Fly-buck) Converter…
Hi Anthony,
Thanks for your suggestion.
But about the ripple and noise, do you think this chip can get less than 50mv?
And do you have some chips that have integrated the FET?
Just like LM5000.
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM78S40 , MC34063A , LM5000 , TPS55340 , LM5576 , LM5001 , LM3481 Is there any way of creating a -48(-40 to -57) to 12V regulator using mc34063a or lm78s40 using some additional components? or is there a cheap solution for that…
I would greatly appericate if you could post a schematic for the LM5000. I believe there may be a common ground I cannot see / access due to the pure size of this system.
Thank Vijay. The lack of compensation and variance of voltage is exactly what them LM5000 series so perfect in this scenario. Am I overlooking another part or do you have another recommendation for a part that is both easy to compensate and at least semi…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA454 , LM2588 , LM5000 Hi,
I used Workbench to design a +-30V out, 9-36V in supply using flyback topology, delivering about +-10mA. I need low ripple, because I use this supply for OPs (OPA454).
Basically the circuit is…
Hello Yokota san,
you can implement a flyBuck Boost which converts Vprimary to -16V out. And use a 1:1 turns ratio transformer for 16V out.
Please see attached presentation that discusses FlyBuck Boost design approach.
Thu_T2_S4_Simplifying Isolated…
Part Number: LM5001 On LM5001 Boost Evalboard, and also on LM5001 schem generated by Webench, there is a RC (6.8R+470pF) in parallel to rectifer diode. It's the first time I see this, and there is no explanation, nor in Datasheet, neither in the many…