Part Number: TDA4VM-Q1 Tool/software: Hi TI Expert,
I have some questions on USBn_VBUS interface.
1. As you kmow the USBn_VBUS is used to monitor VBUS. What will be the effected if I pull this pin to USB_3V3 wihch come from PMICB LDO2?
2. If the USB0…
Part Number: TDA4VM-Q1 Tool/software: Hello,
I am trying to make power consumption calculation for the TDA4VM-Q1 product.
But, I can not see the power estimation tool of this product at the Texas Instruments website.
Can you share power estimation tool…
Part Number: TDA4VM Tool/software:
I am encountering the error "No module named 'tflite_runtime'" while trying to use TensorFlow Lite in my project. Could you please assist in resolving this issue?
Do you have any recommendations on how I can improve performance of my model on C7x+MMA ? I already looked at this link edgeai-tidl-tools/examples/osrt_python at master · TexasInstruments/edgeai-tidl-tools · GitHub so do you have any advices…
Part Number: TDA4VM Tool/software: Hi
In the demo that only MCU, after entering the low-power mode, it will delay for a period of time and then exit the low-power mode. In practical applications, is it possible to add a GPIO (General-Purpose Input/Output…
Part Number: TDA4VM Tool/software: Due to the project, we need the following assistance:
If the NOR Flash model connected to the MCU domain is different from the EVM board, what modifications are needed?
If the MCU_OSPI[] interface for NOR Flash changes…
Part Number: TDA4VM Tool/software: hello all
I understand that we have three domains (main, wakeup, and MCU), each with their own peripheral resources (GPIO, UART, I2C, etc.). I'd like to know:
Is it possible to access main domain peripherals (like…
Hi ptliu,
I noticed that you've asked about questions 1 and 2 in a separate thread here:
(+) TDA4VM: TDA4VM Development Support - Processors forum - Processors - TI E2E support forums
I'll close this thread now as the questions have been answered…
Part Number: SK-TDA4VM Tool/software: Dear TI Support,
I have a problem organizing access of the SK-TDA4VM board to the Internet at the same time in the local network I can access the board through the SSH and also ping computers of the local network…
zs xu said: Can't SMI (PIN: F23, E23) mount 2 or more devices and control communication?
CPSW MDIO can control up to 31 PHYs on the same MDIO bus.
zs xu said: The SGMII of my PHY chip is connected to CPSW9G, and the SMI (PIN: F23, E23) is connected…