Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TL431, BUF634
Hi, I'm planing to use LMH6321 and would like to use utilizing Vcl pin with setup of 200mA current limit.
But unfortunately I'm not sure how to use Vcl current limit correctly,
In the datasheet Rext should be 10kΩ、And Iext = Vprg/Rext.
And current limit value Isc= 2x200(Iext)=400Iext.
In my case, Isc = 200mA , then Iext should be 0.5mA (It mean Vprog = 5V+Vertual GND is needed,right?)
So I have to prepare power source for Vprog using small LDO or voltage reference like TL431, right?
I would like to make Vertual GND with OP amp and voltage divider (and pod), then this solution seems
very complicated as a current limit circuit.
Could you tell me more simple solution for this problem if you could?
Best regards,